Monday, April 02, 2012

New campy blog address for, hopefully, a new beginning. Haven't touched this blog in years but it's probably time I started again. Probably also need to change the layout hmm.

too many ideas and no time to execute lol

stardusted at 9:51 AM | link?

0 stayReal

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

there are times when i sit and wonder, what am I doing here? crazy enough to work in a foreign country, in one of the most american states around. I tell myself it's because of the career opportunities, that valuable one-up to get ahead in this world. To make enough money so I can pay back my parents, retire early, and finally be able to do the things i really want to do.

there are times i lie in bed and think if i made the right decision, since almost nothing but the career bit makes up a valid reason. every day has me with my public face on - even with the few friends i know here. None of it is really me. There's no one person I can actually fully relax with, and just be myself. At home it's me and my computer, a good book, a nice show, some good music. Everyone I truly treasure isn't here. They're all at home, going on with their lives, and at times I get a snapshot. But that's all it really is, a snapshot. Every time I feel I'm losing a bit more of that link to them. And with the 15 day vacation limit, there's little i can do when i get back, and I have to force myself to portion time, rank relationships, cut the interaction. I'm losing all that too quickly, and it sucks.

Sucks too to have someone remind you how you're just too far away for anything. But i can't do anything really, short of actually nixing my job and coming back unemployed and going against everything I promised myself. It almost makes me envious, all those people who have to go back after their university stint ends. Makes me wonder whether everything would have been different if I'd just stayed at home and did that engineering degree. Makes me wonder if everything here would feel less mundane, less difficult, less alone.

stardusted at 12:12 AM | link?

0 stayReal

Saturday, March 07, 2009

abstract personality test

So i found a weird personality test from a friend and thought i'd try it out...

Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

It is rather creepy how close this comes to how i perceive myself. Especially the true self bit. And what i'm most afraid of. The job bit is also true..which means i ought to have just decided to be an artist a long time back... lol

stardusted at 12:45 AM | link?

0 stayReal

Thursday, February 26, 2009

song letter meme

something simple for now...

1. Reply to this post and I’ll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

PL gave me the letter M, so here goes, in youtube form. To make this a little more interesting, I've tried to post stuff I don't usually talk about.. =)

My Way by Robbie Williams (live at the Albert Hall)
I've always loved this song, but Robbie's version is perhaps my favourite rendition. This performance shows why he's such a good singer, and an excellent performer. If you can, watch the whole Albert Hall performance on youtube. Esp. I Will Talk and Hollywood Will Listen and Mr Bojangles. It's excellent. Now if only I can get hold of the dvd...sigh...

mmmbop by hanson
for some old school bubblegum pop fun.. =) (and along the same line there's Miss You Like Crazy by The Moffats)

My Dark Star by Suede
One of the best songs from Suede, during the height of their british glam-pop reign

My Iron Lung by Radiohead

Back when Radiohead was still a band which sang -tunes- and not sounds... One of my faves. I would've posted the MTV live performance, which IMO is the best, but that one has the front cut off, so putting this one too so you can appreciate the front.. =)

Mr. Brightside by The Killers
For some reason I really love this MTV, for its faux glitter and posturing

And there you have it, five songs. In retrospect not much different but hope you liked the variety somewhat =) And as a bonus, here's My Interpretation by Mika =)

stardusted at 6:07 PM | link?

2 stayReal

Sunday, February 08, 2009

25 Random Things

having been tagged on FB and otherwise too many times, figured I'd finally do it. =)

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

1. I'm hopelessly addicted to the 'Piano Solo, Romantic' station on Pandora. It's practically the only thing I listen to these days once I get out of work.

2. Discovered I'm flat-footed during a rather painful and crazy 14 mile (7 there and back) hike through the wilderness. Since then I've made a personal oath to never do such things again.

3. I'm a bit obsessed with hard discs and backups - started with an 80GB portable, then bought another 80gb portable to back up the first; and now I'm using a 160gb portable to back up the first two... And yes, before you wonder, I am considering getting a 320gb to back up all of that...... *sheepish grin*

4. I name my gadgets. Typically there's a form of twisted fan-logic behind what I choose - no unpredictable hero wizards (harry potter) for example, nor bad tempered cunning slytherins (draco). Ultimately the name should ensure my gadget is reliable, well-behaved, and uber-cool for many years to come =)

5. Two of my favourite pastimes are browsing electronics/computing showrooms and big bookstores. There's something about the smell of new books and the sparkle of shiny gadgets and their high tech specs that makes me very very happy.

6. When listening to music, I don't like female voices. I find them boring.

7. I have a mortal fear of hair stylists and cutting my hair - I'm afraid that I will look horrid for the next three months. To counter this I only cut my hair when I've mentally convinced myself that I feel lucky/ready, and when I'm carrying some lucky talismans.

8. Sometimes I like to sit down after writing a long piece by hand, slowly scrutinising, criticizing, and, perhaps, admiring my handwriting. In that sense I might have a handwriting fetish.

9. As of today I have 53GB of music, consisting of 11,514 files in 1097 folders in the portable HD. On the laptop I have about 4GB of unsorted stuff.

10. Often my packrat instincts and low tolerance for clutter collide, with my entire living space/hard discs oscillating between periods of extreme mess and clinical neatness that drives most people I know crazy. =)

11. When I listen to a song, I first listen to it as a whole, then slowly pick out and separate the different instruments and melodies so that I can hum them.

12. I tell people I hate pink, but actually I rather like cherry blossom pink and some of the darker, more muted pink shades.

13. When I play locoroco on PSP i'm a giggling cooing fangirl because the singing yellow blobs are just SOOO CUTE. I'm also that nut that rotates the console when I'm tilting the landscape, even though you're supposed to push the L and R buttons and there are no motion sensors in psps.

14. I like routines because it means that I can save some energy by not thinking about it, so that I can think about something else instead.

15. i don't like reading realistic novels/stories/movies because I don't see the point of experiencing a situation that I see everyday. Along that line I also hate explosion movies, because, really, the explosions and crashes are the same every time.

16. I own three eeyore soft toys. I end up buying them whenever I see a new incarnation.

17. When i enter the local japanese grocers', I enjoy experimenting to see what it would take for them to mistake me for a local. Recently I've come to the conclusion that all I need is a tailored trench coat.

18. I like to wear french-cuff shirts but I don't own cufflinks...

19. I love tea - I have 14 types of leaf tea and 3 types of bottled tea in my cupboard.

20. I pierced my ears three times because the first two times I did it, the holes closed up and I was enough of a wuss that I didn't want to chance jabbing the studs through.

21. The one time I got into a bad enough accident and broke my tooth, was because I was trying to sleep while jogging, missed a kerb, and fell flat on my face.

22. i can control a bicycle with one hand, but I've yet to perfect the no hands manouever for long periods of time

23. I only buy books that I've read before and plan to re-read for many years to come.

24. my favourite color combinations are cherry blossom pink/sky blue, brown/lime green/grey, brown/sky blue/grey.

25. I read fanfic and watch (corny) josei/shoujo stuff because I find it makes the homesickness a little easier to bear.

There! Done! Hope it was interesting for you readers ^^;;;;; I hereby tag everyone else who reads this blog =)

stardusted at 1:03 AM | link?

1 stayReal

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Birthday Meme

Having reached the significant milestone of being a Quarter-Of-The-Century-Old as dear friends have kindly put it (lol), what better way than to do the following meme =)

Type your birthday, sans birthyear, into Wikipedia. Record 3 events, 3 births, and 3 deaths.

4 February

960 - The coronation of Zhao Kuangyin as Emperor Taizu of Song, initiating the Song Dynasty period of China that would last more than three centuries.

1789 - George Washington is unanimously elected as the first President of the United States by the U.S. Electoral College.

And of course, the most important one,
2004 - Facebook, a mainstream online social network is founded by Mark Zuckerberg. =)

1677 - Johann Ludwig Bach, German composer (d. 1731)
1953 - Kitaro, Japanese composer
1902 - Charles Lindbergh, American pilot (d. 1974)
1961 - Alice Cooper (putting this in because it's COOL =))
Interestingly, the list was heavily populated with writers, actors, artists, and various scientists. Never politicians. LOL

211 - Septimius Severus, Emperor of Rome (b. 146) --> i think i just found out where snape's name came from...
1983 - Karen Carpenter, American singer and drummer (The Carpenters) (b. 1950)
1615 - Giovanni Battista della Porta, Italian scholar, polymath and child prodogy (b. 1535) --> O_O what's a polymath O_o

and because it's interesting..

Ancient Latvia - Biezputras Diena observed.
Biezputras Diena ("Porridge day") was celebrated on February 4. It was held on the Sunday before Meteņi. On this day, uneaten porridge is supposedly taken into the hills to feed the shepherds all summer. The porridge is actually replaced with water. A new shepherd is initiated by bringing the crock of "porridge" to the hills, then being doused in the water.

Across the Universe Day --> as of today, the 41st anniversary of the recording of this Beatles track. Incidentally also one of my favourites, because the lyrical imagery is pretty =)

stardusted at 9:57 PM | link?

0 stayReal

Monday, February 02, 2009


Perhaps the coolest Coraline trailer so far IMO, with Gaiman channeling Morpheus and describing the fear of buttons in all his british dark lord glory.

stardusted at 7:34 PM | link?

0 stayReal

Sunday, January 11, 2009

a rather unfair meme

Got this off someone's FB post. Rather unfair, considering my name's first letter is a 'Q'. It isn't the 10 point letter in scrabble for nothing.... *lol* I do think i might be slightly masochistic to actually attempt this....


1.What is your name: q******* (omitting for various googling reasons..)
2. A 4 Letter Word: quip
3. A Boys Name: quentin
4. A Girls Name: queenie
5. An Occupation: *facevaults* umm..... quality analyst ^__^
6. A Color: wth. quartz? (i've seen it as a color before...)
7. Something you wear: quilted jacket *beams proudly at self*
8. A Beverage: Qoo (that pokka drink with the cute animal mascot)
9. A Food: qi-shui (okay totally cheating here, but Q is bloody hard okay!!!)
10. Something found in a bathroom: *throws hands up in the air* quartered tissue pieces... (am trying to be creative ^^;;;)
11. A place: Queenstown
12. A Reason for being late: Quizzes... =)
13. Something you shout: QUIT IT!!!! =)

*phew* done =) Now we need someone with a Z name to try this.. =)

stardusted at 10:36 PM | link?

0 stayReal Take the free personality test!

thought i'd try this again since PL put it up. Nope, nothing has changed =) hahahaha Though really, i think i've gotten a lot more realistic, compared to that description.

stardusted at 1:34 PM | link?

0 stayReal

Saturday, January 03, 2009

another music meme

i rather love music memes, probably because music is something that is so close to my heart... found this one off the internet. THe only problem is trying to factor in the song titles with asian characters....

Here’s a music meme to reflect how eclectic your music collection might be. I call it Alphabet Song. Put your music library in alphabetical order by song, then take the first song for each letter of the alphabet. No repeat artists. Tag five people then let them know they’ve been tagged to do the meme themselves.

nb. leaving out those titles with japanese/chinese characters, and those with weird character starters. Also taking out the classical music, else i'm going to have all those B flat majors and A flat minors in my quiz... ^^;;; (i tried. B, C, D, E were all chopin ^^;;;)

A - A Bad Dream - Keane
B - B.G.B. (boogin' groovin' boogie) - V6
C - C U When U Get There - Coolio
D - D Is For Dangerous - Arctic Monkeys
E - Early Summer - Yu Takami (Hanakim OST)
F - F -Germ- - JILS
G - G. Luna Sea
H - H1 Grand Prix - Cat In The Red Boots OST
I - I <3 NY - Nevermind (Glay alter-ego)
J - J.E. 1960 - Ryuichi Kawamura
K - Ka - UN
L - L.S.F. - Mark Ronson feat. The Dapthane Horns
M - Ma Cherie - Malice Mizer
N - Na Jiu Zhe Yang Ba (i.e. let's let it be)- Power Station
O - O Holy Night - Josh Groban
P - P.A.F. feat pata - X Japan
Q - Q - Sugizo
R - Rabbit Band - Mirrormask OST
S - 'S Wonderful - Ella Fitzgerald
T - T.T. Groove - Hide
U - U + Ur Hand - PINK
V - Vacant - Dream Theatre
W - W.S.D - Suede
X - X&Y - Coldplay
Y - Ya Never Know - Googoo Dolls
Z - Zenbu Dakishimete - The Kinki Kids

stardusted at 5:13 PM | link?

0 stayReal

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